by adavid | Jul 18, 2023 | Care Coordination, For Caregivers, Health & Well Being
Senior Services specializes in helping and serving older adults, and our professional therapists understand challenges specific to growing older. They will work to help you to find solutions to concerns about lifestyle changes, decision making, grief, depression, the...
by adavid | Jul 18, 2023 | Care Coordination, For Caregivers
by Julie Randolph, Information & Access and Care Coordination Manager A Special Enrollment Period has been established until December 31, 2023 for Medicare beneficiaries using insulin. The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act placed a cap on insulin prices. The signing of...
by adavid | Jun 14, 2023 | Care Coordination, For Caregivers
Are you concerned about your Medicare premiums, prescription costs, or other medical expenses? You may be able to get help. There are two programs that may be able to assist you, if you meet income and asset guidelines. The first program is the Medicare Savings...
by adavid | Jun 14, 2023 | Care Coordination, For Caregivers, News
Each year millions of individuals have their identity stolen or become victims through phone, email, or Internet scams. These illegal actions add up to billions of lost dollars every year! Sadly, many victims are our senior populations because many grew up in a time...
by adavid | Jun 14, 2023 | Volunteer
by Allison Rossi Utter, Volunteer & Community Outreach Manager Valerie Trabucchi is the Volunteer of the Month for July for her assistance in the Care Coordination Program. Valerie has been volunteering since 2016. Val recalls, “I learned about the need when I...