by Julie Randolph, Care Coordinator
joint and muscle pain,
decreased clarity of thought,
dry and itchy skin,
decreased endurance,
and maybe most importantly, dizziness and
lack of balance with increased fall risk
can be reduced or prevented by simply drinking more water.
Imagine the stool softeners, lotion, pain, and falls that could be avoided by drinking more water. It sure is worth a try!
How much water should you drink? 15.5 cups or 3.7 liters for men; and 11.5 cups or 2.7 liters for women EVERY DAY.
How to be a successful consumer of water:
Flavor it with a splash of your favorite juice, a hand full of berries, your favorite herb, cucumbers, or a slice of citrus fruit.
Eat it by adding more melons, celery, cucumbers, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, peaches, broths and soups, skim milk, zucchini, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes and lettuce to your diet.
Incorporate it into your daily routines, for example, when you use the telephone, read, watch the news, or each time you go to the restroom, brush your teeth, or think of your loved ones.