by adavid | Jun 14, 2023 | Care Coordination, For Caregivers, News
Each year millions of individuals have their identity stolen or become victims through phone, email, or Internet scams. These illegal actions add up to billions of lost dollars every year! Sadly, many victims are our senior populations because many grew up in a time...
by adavid | Jun 14, 2023 | Care Coordination, For Caregivers, Health & Well Being, Lifestyle
You enter your dad’s home and can’t believe the stacks of stuff that have accumulated on every flat surface. Piles of newspapers and mail on the kitchen counter, the medicine cabinet overflowing with 10 years’ worth of hair spray (despite his being bald),...
by adavid | Jun 14, 2023 | Care Coordination, For Caregivers, Seasons Adult Day Health Services
A monthly article brought to you by Senior Services Memory Support Programs Over the last few months, we have learned a lot about dementia and some of the most common types. The type of dementia we are going to focus on in this article is called Frontotemporal...
by adavid | Jun 14, 2023 | Care Coordination, Center News, For Caregivers, Health & Well Being, Lifestyle
Long days in the summer sun can be dangerous for anyone if the necessary precautions aren’t taken, and this is especially true for older adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who are ages 65 and older are more prone to...
by adavid | Jun 14, 2023 | Care Coordination, For Caregivers, News
The Great Lakes PACE program has been open since May 1, 2015. They assist those with failing health and other needs wishing to remain in their homes. A nursing home is no longer the only option for those who are aging with health problems. There are more choices. PACE...
by adavid | May 18, 2023 | Care Coordination, For Caregivers
The impact of caregiving can be a harsh reality for the family caregiver, putting a strain on physical, mental and emotional health. According to a survey of 1,000 North American working family caregivers conducted by Home Instead, Inc.: 80 % report that caregiving...