by adavid | Mar 22, 2021 | Center News
We are excited to begin welcoming our participants back for in-person offerings at Sanford, Trailside, Mills and Coleman Centers. Please note that attendance is extremely limited and registrations will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. If you are...
by adavid | Jan 18, 2021 | Center News, News
featured in the Midland Daily News Trailside Writers Group is still writing! Seven members, Dorie French, Judy Nicol, Vicki Ramseyer, Nancy Renko, Sue Steffen, Marilyn Tillman and Karla Cooper had articles published in the “Count Your Blessings” section in the Midland...
by adavid | Nov 11, 2020 | Center News, Lifestyle, Seasonal Information
Trailside, Sanford and Coleman Centers pulled together a spooky celebration for their curbside meal participants. 88 people came through the pickup line where staff were dressed up for the occasion. Nancy Schick, Sanford Cook, won the pumpkin decorating contest...
by adavid | Nov 11, 2020 | Center News
This month featuring Elizabeth Burnett, Mills Center Director How is it possible that it’s holiday time already? So much has happened this year that it is sometimes hard to keep everything in balance. It’s more important than ever to feed our body, mind and spirit. We...
by adavid | Nov 11, 2020 | Center News, News, Nutrition
by Megan Geierman, Nutrition Program Director It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is here already! As you may have guessed, our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners will look a little different this year. We have been eagerly planning special holiday curbside...
by adavid | Nov 11, 2020 | Center News, Lifestyle
See below for November activities held at Sanford, Trailside, and Coleman Centers. Please note that attendance is limited and registrations will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. If you are interested in participating in one of the following activities and...