It is hard to believe, but summer will soon be coming to a close and we will be facing a new fall season. Along with hot apple cider and pumpkin spice, we hope you’ll take the start of fall as an opportunity to reflect and take action on an important topic: fall prevention. September is Fall Prevention Month, and there is no better time to take serious steps to reduce your risk.
Every year millions of older adults, age 65+, fall. That is one out of every four people in this age group, and 20% of those falls cause a serious injury such as a broken bone or head injury. But there is good news! The majority of falls are preventable.
Senior Services is always working toward reducing the number of falls in our community. During September, we’re partnering with MidMichigan Health and the Michigan Health Improvement Alliance to bring you opportunities to learn more and reduce your risk of a fall. This month’s Lunchtime Learner offerings will feature presentations on reducing fall risk. The first opportunity is on September 10, Think First to Prevent Falls, and the second on September 24, Are Your Medications Causing Falls? Both programs are available from 12-1 pm at Trailside Activity & Dining Center located at 4700 Dublin Avenue in Midland. To register, please call (989) 633-3700 or register online at
On September 24, you will also have an opportunity to meet one on one with a local pharmacist to go through your medications to spot any possible negative interactions that could lead to a fall. If you would like to attend, call (989) 633-3700 for an appointment between 8:30-11:30 am.
Additionally, we have numerous new fitness classes. One of the best ways to reduce falls is to exercise! Consider signing up for SAIL, which is specifically proven to help reduce falls, or try Pilates, Tai Chi, or Walk15 in addition to our other fitness options. Our full selection of fitness classes is available at
Then take a good look around your home for fall hazards. Together we can face fall proactively and reduce our chances of injury. Please reach out to Senior Services at 989-633-3700 for more information.
By Trena Winans, Director of Education & Outreach