The Midland County Health Department is asking people age 65 and older to fill out a survey online at, to be placed on a list to receive the coronavirus vaccines when they become available. Once the vaccine is available, people age 65 and older on the list will be contacted by the health department staff to schedule an appointment. The health department plans to offer drive-thru clinics at various locations. Senior Services is a location where vaccines will be distributed by the health department but they are not in charge of scheduling appointments. Clinics held at Senior Services are by-appointment only and walk-ins will not be permitted. Appointments will only be scheduled based on filling out the Midland County Health Department’s online survey and they will contact you when they have availability, please be patient.
MCDPH is vaccinating priority groups set by the CDC and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. They anticipate the following schedule, which is subject to change, based on availability: Phase 1A: December 2020 and January 2021; Phase 1B and 1C: Early 2021; Phase 2: will begin as soon as demand for priority group 1C wanes; which they anticipate will be in Spring/Summer of 2021. The health department will share information on when specific age groups should fill out the survey.