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4700 Dublin Ave.
Midland MI 48642
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Senior Services News
Our Mind Matters: When is a Good Time to Start Adult Day Services?
A monthly article brought to you by Senior Services Memory Support Programs Families caring for aging loved ones struggle to balance work, family responsibilities, and caregiving. Adult day programs provide a respite opportunity for family caregivers and a fun,...
Free Tax Assistance for Those That Need It Most
WHAT IS TAX-AIDE? AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest free, volunteer-run tax assistance and preparation service available to taxpayers with low and moderate income, with an emphasis on senior citizens and basic returns. Volunteers are trained to assist...
Why should you send an anti-ageist birthday card?
In 2020, Changing the Narrative launched an anti-ageist birthday card campaign, calling for artists to design cards that countered the usual – a depressing narrative about getting older. The resulting designs defy negative views and celebrate the joys of aging. In...
Our Mind Matters: What is Dementia?
A monthly article brought to you by Senior Services Memory Support Programs The word “dementia” has become a well known term in our world today. Many people feel that they know exactly what that term means. Often we may hear, dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, dementia...
Welcome Kelsey Cline, Center Services Manager
Hi there! I’m Kelsey Cline and I am the new Center Services Manager here at Senior Services. I will be taking over for Nancy Kawiecki as she is now retired. A little background on me: I have lived in Midland my whole life as well as most of my immediate family. I...
Care Coordination Corner: Asking for HELP for Caregiving does not Mean you have FAILED
by Julie Randolph, Care Coordination Manager Failure, it is like a dark cloud that hovers over everything, with no room for compassion or understanding. Caregivers are often their own harshest critics, carrying on a dialog in their minds of never being enough or doing...
5 Surprising Facts About High Blood Pressure
February is Heart Health Month 5 Surprising Facts About High Blood Pressure Centers for Disease Control and Prevention What you don’t know about high blood pressure could hurt you. High blood pressure affects nearly half of the adult population in the United States,...
New Foot Care Provider
Happily, we are able to report that independent professional, Adrienne Schmitt, will take over foot and nail care for local older adults beginning February 11. Senior Services will manage scheduling, so you can call 989-633-3700 to schedule your appointment. Foot care...
February Volunteer of the Month
by Allison Rossi Utter, Volunteer & Community Outreach Manager Transportation driver Rosemary McFadden is our February Volunteer of the Month. Rosemary started volunteering with Senior Services as a Meals on Wheels driver in October 2016. She had been coming to...