by Jacob Sinacola, Information Systems Administrator
We’ve all seen it. After walking out of an engaging presentation, you head to the front desk to sign-up for the next course and what do you see? A long line of people that had the exact same idea. Soon you can skip that line with two exciting technology projects underway at Senior Services.
First, an online portal is being built where you can register for events and activities online. With a few clicks, you will be able to register yourself or anyone in your household for classes and events held at the centers. The portal is being designed to be accessed from home or on the go at your convenience. The best part… no more entering your personal information over and over for each course you attend!
What will you be able to do on the portal?
- Register for upcoming courses and events
- See your upcoming schedule
- See your past courses and events
- Update your personal information
The second project underway is a self-service kiosk. Participants will be provided a barcode card (similar to a library card) to access the self-service kiosk and for taking attendance in classes and events. Classroom (and lunch room) kiosks will make checking in for activities faster and easier. Swipe your card and that’s it! The best part… no more signing your name over and over to check-in!
What will you be able to do on the kiosk?
- Register for upcoming courses and events
- See your upcoming schedule
- See your past courses and events
- Center meal reservations and check-in
- Class/Event check-in
- Update your personal information
As we upgrade our technology systems, you may be asked for personal information such as name, birthdate, phone, address, and email. Senior Services does NOT sell or share this information with outside parties. This information is collected so we can track utilization of programs, meet funding requirements, prevent duplicate/erroneous records, and ensure we’re signing up the right person for the right program.
Want to be part of the project?
As we’re building and testing these new systems, we would love to get feedback, ideas, and opinions from people just like you! Help shape how these tools will benefit Senior Services and the people we serve by participating in a focus group. If you are interested, please email or leave your contact info with the front desk to learn more.