This month featuring Jenny Anderson, Trailside Center Director
It seems hard to believe that the smell of fall is already in the air and that we continue to enjoy the satisfaction experienced by those who are picking up curbside meals at our Centers.
There are so many reasons to love fall from the changing leaf color to the smell of fresh picked apples to the scent of leaves burning in an open fire pit. As we continue to plug away during the “new normal,” we strive at Trailside to explore creative opportunities to keep you, our valued clients, engaged in programs, services and activities that are structured to enhance your quality of life.
Last month we initiated with fanfare “ZOOM BINGO” as our guests have suggested over the past several months that they really missed the interaction of that activity. We plan to continue running the program until we are able to re-initiate it at the Centers.
We continue to assess logistical ways to safely expand smaller Center activities. I am looking forward to seeing some of you at our Making Jewelry with Beads activity on October 16th from 9-10:30 am. Call Jenny Anderson for reservations at 989-633-3790.
Finally, it has been very gratifying to see how many of our seniors have come “to the curb” to enjoy the meals prepared by our amazing kitchen team. To be able to continue to provide nutritionally balanced meals while at the same time producing meals with extraordinary flavor is a tribute to the culinary professionals working daily. If you have not tried our “curb side” service, all you need to do is call 633-3790 by 9 am one business day prior to picking up your meal. If it is more convenient to pick up your curbside meals at the Coleman Center or Sanford Center, please call (989) 465-6216 for the Coleman Center or (989) 687-7888 for the Sanford Center by 9 am one business day prior to picking up your meal.
We look forward to better and brighter days ahead. May the coming months bring comfort and joy (yes, Christmas is coming) during these uncertain times.