4700 Dublin Ave., Midland MI 48642 | 989-633-3700 | Contact Us
4700 Dublin Ave.
Midland MI 48642
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Help for Care Partners
Care Partner Classes
Savvy Caregiver
Savvy Caregivers is an evidence-based program that helps people caring for a person suffering from the memory loss and confusion of dementia, to gain the knowledge, skills and frame of mind necessary to navigate their challenging role. Through the six-week series of classes, caregivers learn how to adopt a strategic outlook on the care they provide that will help them keep their person more contentedly involved in their daily life, and take care of themselves as well. Respite care at no charge may be available if needed to attend.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Family members who assist in the care of a loved one tend to spend themselves until there is little left. In this evidence-based program taking place over the course of six weeks, caregivers develop a wealth of self-care tools to reduce personal stress, change negative self-talk, communicate their needs to other family members and healthcare providers, deal with difficult feelings and make tough caregiving decisions. Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a program you can count on to make a positive difference in your life!
Monthly Care Partner Training
Each month Senior Services offers at least one workshop on a topic specific to caregiving. Topics include Dementia 101, Challenging Behaviors, Communication, Finance and Legal Issues, CPR and more. Many other education programs held by Senior Services provide information useful for caregivers. Check the calendar for descriptions.
Keeping it Together
This advance planning program is for caregivers organizing a loved one’s paperwork or for anyone who wants to prepare and plan for their future. You’ll receive information about topics such as Advanced Funeral Planning, Estate Planning and Advance Medical Directives.

Counseling for Care Partners
Individual Care Partner Counseling: Assisting a family member can be stressful, especially for those trying to juggle other responsibilities. Symptoms of anxiety and depression can result from frustration and unresolved resentments from their past. Counseling can help caregivers come to terms with the impact of past family issues, increase their coping skills and improve their moods and ability to function more effectively in the present.