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4700 Dublin Ave.
Midland MI 48642
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Care Coordination

What is Care Coordination?

Care Coordination is for individuals 60 years of age or older who would benefit from in-home assistance or community services and resources. 

A Care Coordinator will work in partnership with an older adult and his or her loved ones to identify needs and coordinate care. A Care Coordinator can assist you in learning about community resources and services such as home care, housing options, home modifications, Medicare, and Medicaid, to name a few.

How Does it Work?

When an older adult is referred to this program, a telephone interview is conducted to identify the current situation and needs of the older adult. The Care Coordinator will visit the older adult in the home to conduct an in-depth assessment to identify the person’s health, social, environmental, financial and emotional needs.

Care Plan and Ongoing

The older adult and Care Coordinator develop a Care Plan based on needs identified during the assessment. Only services approved by the client will be arranged. The Care Coordinator will continue to stay in contact with the older adult to offer assistance as needed. Care Coordination assistance may be short-term or long-term depending on the older adult’s situation.

Cost of Services

There is no charge to work with a Care Coordinator. Donations are greatly appreciated and are used to help expand the program.

There may be charges for services that are arranged by the Care Coordinator. Services may be paid by:

Client and/or family

Local or grant funding

Health and social service programs

Learn More About Senior Services

Click the button below to download our FREE Guide to Services brochure.

Keeping it Together: Advance Care Planning

This advance planning program is for caregivers organizing a loved one’s paperwork or for anyone who wants to prepare and plan for their future. You’ll receive information about topics such as Advanced Funeral Planning, Estate Planning and Advance Medical Directives.

Care Coordination Articles

Summer Safety Tips for Older Adults

Long days in the summer sun can be dangerous for anyone if the necessary precautions aren’t taken, and this is especially true for older adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who are ages 65 and older are more prone to...

Great Lakes PACE, More Choices for Seniors!

The Great Lakes PACE program has been open since May 1, 2015. They assist those with failing health and other needs wishing to remain in their homes. A nursing home is no longer the only option for those who are aging with health problems. There are more choices. PACE...

5 Health Tips for Working Family Caregivers

The impact of caregiving can be a harsh reality for the family caregiver, putting a strain on physical, mental and emotional health. According to a survey of 1,000 North American working family caregivers conducted by Home Instead, Inc.: 80 % report that caregiving...

Meet the Team


Barbara H. Zebley-Oldani, LBSW

Director of Care Coordination,
Care Management, Home Care &
Medicare Assistance

Care Coordinators

Back Row: 
Zack Greening, Tricia Kalivas, Eric Streeter, Kelsey Ostyn and Kim Short

Front Row:
Tanya Westphal, Elizabeth Burnett,
Julie Randolph, Amy Shears and
Barb Zebley-Oldani

Care Managers

Debbie Brushaber, RN and Tanya Westphal

“Meeting with a Care Coordinator has provided a great deal of help in this new experience of caring for Mom.” –  Daughter of Client

“My Care Coordinator is wonderful—she keeps me going.” ~ Senior Services Client

Senior Services is committed to providing our clients with the highest quality of care and services possible. This policy provides the individuals served with the opportunity for input and comments. Where concerns exist or disagreements occur, we want to work with you toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.

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