Each year, Senior Services presents the Everett N. Luce Award to an individual and an organization for their leadership and contributions toward improving the quality of life for older adults in Midland County. We are inviting the community to help us recognize a champion by nominating an individual or organization for the Everett N. Luce Award.
Dr. Everett Luce spearheaded the development of Midland County’s organized efforts to provide for the needs of older citizens, especially those in failing health or in impoverished circumstances. He led the team of local leaders who attended the first White House Conference on Aging in 1960. Returning with the determination to make a real difference in the quality of life for seniors, Dr. Luce and his colleagues established the Midland County Committee on Aging. Under his leadership, within a few years, the committee was incorporated as the Midland County Council on Aging (known as Senior Services), launching the organization that now serves 2,500+ County seniors a year.
About the Awards: Everett N. Luce Community Champion Award for Individuals seeks to recognize an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and advocacy toward improving community conditions or services provided to older Midland County residents.
Everett N. Luce Community Champion Award for Group or Organization seeks to recognize a community organization or business which champions senior causes and has made positive contributions to improving the lives of older adults in Midland County.
Possible nominees could be any business or organization that goes above and beyond for the older population in Midland County: Senior housing administrators, department stores, restaurants, business owners, attorneys, estate planners, community activity centers, banks, volunteers, service organizations, event organizers, etc. Senior Services employees and volunteers are not eligible for the award.
Past winners have included Cliff Miles, Midland Community Center, Yvonne Corbat, Midland Daily News, Joseph Lubbehusen, Gene Susalla, Creative 360, Laura Kubit, The Diaper Alliance, Coffee Chaos, Midland Fire Department, Arnold Center, Chris Shirk, Ross Ahlich, Marilyn Greene, Weese Project Motivations, Angela Cole, the Midland County Department of Public Health, Trudy Laufer, Chippewa Nature Center and Renee Waldie.
Visit SeniorServicesMidland.org/luce-award/ to learn more or submit a nominee by October 2, 2023.
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